EngineeringTrainer TV
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  • Leading Engineering Training Platform

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    • Expert-led courses assisting engineers in skill building and career advancement
    • Designed for professionals in the energy and chemical industries

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    Learn Skills That Matter

    Through hands-on training, master the

    challenges of today’s engineering environments.

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    Learn at Your Pace

    Flexible training that fits your busy schedule;

    whether you're on-site, in the office, or at home.

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    Build and Prove

    Develop real-world skills, showcase your abilities,

    and prove job readiness with earned PDH credits.

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    Speed up onboarding, close skill gaps, and

    ensure your team is equipped for the job.

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Discover how EngineeringTrainer empowers leading companies worldwide to elevate technical skills, streamline onboarding and boost project efficiency.

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  • stars-copy

    "Awesome, you did well! Your explanations and detailed understanding on it is just amazing! These videos allow me to understand this interesting phenomenon with a deeper knowledge. Thank you all."

    Jesús Ely Varajas

    Process Engineer

    Water Hammer Phenomena in Industrial
    Piping Systems
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    "This course is one of the best I have seen with a high content of information for pipe stress engineering, supported with references in codes and standards, and showing very clear examples."

    Daniel Melgar

    Piping Engineer

    Learning Path
    Introduction to Pipe Stress Engineering:
    Fundamentals 1
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    "This course provided me with an excellent overview

    of FIV & AIV phenomena in pipe systems. Clearly explained course material and visual aids, plus relevant references to literature."

    Lorand Kun

    Structural Engineer

    Learning Path
    Acoustic and Flow Induced Vibrations (AIV, FIV) in
    Industrial Systems
  • Get Certified

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    Advance your career with industry-recognized certificates.

    EngineeringTrainer certificates validate your expertise,

    support your professional accreditation with PDH, CPD, CEH and similar credits,

    and enhance your credibility in the workplace. Gain the recognition you deserve

    and take the next step in your professional growth. Enroll today!

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  • Meet some of our

    Training experts

  • instructors-geert-peeks-hp

    Geert Peeks

    Pressure Vessel Design Specialist

    Geert has over 40 years of industry experience as an engineer, of which the majority in the realization of pressure vessels. After his retirement Geert started focusing on mentoring and training a new generation of engineering leaders in the discipline of pressure vessel design.

  • instructor-frank-bos-hp

    Frank Bos

    Dynaflow Research Group

    Frank is a Partner at Dynaflow Research Group and holds a PhD degree from the Delft University of Technology. He leads a team of technical consultants who provide sustainable engineering solutions to clients across various industries.

  • instructor-johannes-homan5-hp

    Johannes Homan

    Fatigue Specialist

    Johannes has four decades of experience in fatigue and damage tolerance. After working at the Fokker Aircraft company, he started Fatec Engineering as a consultancy specialising in fatigue. He is also active as an assistant professor and the development of damage tolerant materials.

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    Frans Martens

    SME Control & Automation

    Frans is a control and automation engineer specialised in field instruments, control valves, valve actuators and the electrical aspects of instrumentation. He has acquired his knowledge and experience during 35 years of working for Shell in upstream oil and gas, LNG, chemicals and refining.

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    Ensuring Piping System Integrity: Understanding Load Cases in ASME B31.3 & EN 13480

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    5 Key Engineering Practices For Oil & Gas Professionals
