Water Hammer Analysis using BOSfluids
Water Hammer Analysis using BOSfluids
About the course
This course teaches you all the fundamentals of performing water hammer analysis using BOSfluids.
Background knowledge about water hammer phenomena and analyses methods are provided as well as tutorials in performing such analyses in the BOSfluids software. Results are discussed in detail to provide a solid understanding of their interpretation. Next to different water hammer scenarios and their analysis also many real-life cases are provided and associated mitigation measures are discussed.
After this course you are a confident user of BOSfluids that understands good design practices and analysis methods for water hammer phenomena in piping systems.
The course allows you to learn at your own pace and is fully provided online.
Learning Outcomes
After these courses, you...• have a solid understanding of water hammer phenomena,
• can perform water hammer analysis of basic scenarios in BOSfluids,
• know how to interpret pressure surge results,
• understand the influence of cavitation in piping systems,
• are familiar with the BOSfluids solvers,
• know how to link your results to pipe stress analysis software,
• have seen numerous real• life cases of water hammer phenomena in industrial piping,
• know different mitigation measures and their applicability,
• are capable of assessing pressure surge reports to take actions for mitigation of their system at hand.
Who should attend this course
• Users of BOSfluids that want a solid understanding of the software, analysis techniques and backgrounds.• Those involved with performing pressure surge analysis.
• Engineers that need to be able to understand reporting of pressure surge analysis for their system at hand.
No prior knowledge of BOSfluids is required,A basic understanding of piping systems is beneficial.
Program & Details
1. Welcome to the course
2. Your instructors
3. How to use this course
4. Personal Certificate requirements -
Course 1 - Introduction to Pressure Surges
1. Introduction and agenda
2. What are pressure surges and what causes them?
3. Pressure surge examples: in industrial systems
4. Pressure surge analysis
5. Pressure surge analysis Reducing the impact of pressure surges
6. Conclusions -
Course 2 - An Overview of BOSfluids
1. Introduction and agenda
2. General Workflow
3. Viewer
4. Overview of the element types
5. The components database
6. Import/export models
7. Exercise 1 - Modelling and simple analysis -
Course 3 - BOSfluids Live Demonstration
1. Interface & piping tabs
2. Viewer options
3. Add valve
4. The elements subtab
5. Boundary conditions
6. Analysis Setting
7. Reviewing the results
8. Managing scenarios
9. The updated results
10. Customized plots
11. Components database
12. Help windows & manual
13. Pipe editing options
14. The water hammer tutorial -
Course 4 - Steadily-State Analysis in BOSfluids
1. Introduction and agenda
2. Steady state flow calculations
3. Boundary conditions
4. Flow resistance
5. Pumps in BOSfluids
6. Quasi steady analysis
7. Exercise 2 - steady state balancing -
Course 5 - Transient Flow Analysis
1. Introduction and agenda
2. Method Of Characteristics
3. Pressure wave propagation
4. Pressure wave tutorial
5. Exercise 3 - Pump trip
6. Exercise 4 - valve closure
7. What is cavitation
8. Cavitation models in BOSfluids
9. Flood & Drain analysis
10. Flood & Drain tutorial -
Course 6 - Fluid-Structure Interaction
1. Introduction and agenda
2. Unbalanced loads in piping systems
3. Setting up a structural analysis
4. Reviewing structural results -
Course 7 - Additional Features
1. Control systems tutorial
2. Tube rupture analysis tutorial -
Final Notes & Certificate
1. Congratulations
2. Course evaluation survey
3. Your Personal Certificate
4. Rate this course
5. Related courses

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